If you wonder if bed bugs have moved into your metal frame, mattress, or home, then there are a few signs that will let you know.
One of the easiest ways to tell if you have bed bugs is to look for bites or similar symptoms on your body. However, not everyone reacts to bed bug bites, in the same way, so you may have to look for other signs such as a bloodstain or fecal spotting on your mattress. Look for dark spots on your mattress that could be dried feces stains, which are usually near where you sleep is one of the most common signs of bed bugs infestation.
Another sign to look for is if you see bed bugs themselves. These pests are very small, usually around the size of an apple seed, and have a reddish-brown color. If they are mature, then they will be black too.
Bed bug eggs are very small and translucent milky white. If you find eggs, there is a good chance that the bed bugs have been breeding for a while and can be more difficult to get rid of.
Another common sign of bed bugs is spotting exoskeletons which are molted shells shed as they grow larger. They congregate in the nooks and crannies of your bed frame and often on or near their food source.
Exoskeletons can be brittle, so they are often found broken up, which causes them to look like pepper flakes or even bloodstains. It’s not uncommon for people to mistake exoskeletons for blood stains or bed bug feces which are small black, brown, or red spots.
If you have noticed any of these signs on your metal frame or your bed, you likely have a problem with bed bugs. Unfortunately, bed bugs are difficult to get rid of, so the sooner you can act, the better.